Airport Selfies

I’m in line checking my bags at the airport. In my view are two well-dressed ladies in the front of the line. They don’t just have the typical designer purses of Louis Vuitton or Valentino heels, but they are in perfectly tailored bell bottoms and blouses of precious fabric. They’re booted brown heels click-clack on the floor as they roll away with tiny, glamorous carry-on bags.

I enjoy admiring the spectrum of people and lifestyles at the airport, as well as the various reactions to meeting the tedious checkpoints before reaching the flight gate. I never look forward to going through TSA, however there are goofy scenarios that can occur that make it go by more seamlessly. As I stood in line for TSA at 6 am, I was stunned as I watched those same well-dressed ladies taking selfies while the TSA security waited for them to gather their accessories into bins. In that moment I was delighted by such a hilariously adorable scene and felt inspired to draw them on my flight. It was surprisingly satisfying for these ladies to hold up the line with no care about how others felt about them. Little did I know, this would later be the reason I would eventually use them as inspiration in one of my first cartoons. My intention was to capture the best of their essence onto my journal page. I hope I did them justice.

Lily King



T-Shirt Guy